How to Improve Your Style with Clothes you Already Own

Wardrobe Revamp


Wanting a wardrobe change can be a daunting and expensive process. In the midst of a pandemic the last thing, you’re thinking about is purging your closet. There are ways to work with what you have and create amazing outfits out of them. The key is to see the potential of the pieces of clothing you have and thinking of ways to style it differently from what you have been doing. You can give the same shirt to ten different people and each person is gonna wear it differently. What are your goals and intentions with this style journey? 


It is quarantine and you’re on this road of reinvention-- that’s amazing! However, we need to know where you are going and what path to take. So, what kind of style do you want or like to see yourself wearing? And how can I take that and put that into the clothes I already own?

Good question, this is where Pinterest becomes your best friend. You want to make a mood board of all the styles and outfits you like. After, a week or so of fiddling around with your board you’ll see a trend of what style you’re going for. Now you have an idea of what to look for in your closet and ways to style things you already have to for your style needs.


Now it is time to look into the closet. See what goes with your new-found style. The ones that don’t can be put in the back and the ones that do in the front. Also, look for those essentials such as jeans, white tee, chinos, dress pants, etc. The pieces in your wardrobe that are your go-to’s.


As you sift through your clothing you want to put aside anything tho small or too big for you. Unless you intentionally bought something to be oversized they should not be ill-fitting. To create more cohesive looks you want something that fits you well. The pieces of clothes that are wayyy too worn and can not be salvage has to go. Try every piece of clothing before throwing it into the no pile. Now, you have a wardrobe that you can put to use.


So, now you have your pieces but have no idea on how to wear them.

Try to replicate outfits similar to the ones that you have pinned on Pinterest. Copy the image’s every detail, if there is a tucking of the shirt, do that. If there is a rolling up the hem of the pants do that. The point is to get used to doing such small details and get a sense of what is needed to achieve the style you desire. It will also show you whether that style suits you or what you need to do to make it work for you. 

Try new combinations for your outfits. Play around with formal and casual pieces to create something new and you may end up liking. The whole point is to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t. Changing your hair or grooming can make an outfit you may have dislike into something that you do.  

Swapping out jeans for dress pants can add a twist to what you usually wear. You want to play to your strengths and wear clothing that shows that off. If you have nice legs show off your legs and look for shorts in your wardrobe. 

Innovate your style, you have to step out of your comfort zone. You never know what looks good on you until you try it. You can spend hundreds of dollars on a new wardrobe, but if you do not set your intentions and reach out of your comfort zone you’ll end up in the same predicament months later wanting to change your style, again. Look into what you already have and see the potential your clothing has to offer. 


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